
Non-profit association

Date of creation

Percentage of wine maker using Œnoppia products

Œnoppia is a non-profit association created in 2009 and grouping together the principal parties involved in the production and development of œnological products. The members of Œnoppia represent approximately 90% of œnological products used by wine makers throughout the world.

The companies comprising Œnoppia have for decades founded their development on research and innovation, and for the oldest, for over a hundred years. Their expertise in oenological applications is the result of internal development or long-term partnerships with major universities throughout the world. They have initiated a large number of publications and patents guided by the research of the best possible expression of the potential quality of the grapes.

The association has 3 roles:

Œnoppia has an institutional role

An institutional role

Œnoppia wishes to be considered as a representative for all regulatory or scientific bodies implicated in considerations concerning the evolution of œnological practices.

Œnoppia has an informative role

An informative role

Œnoppia promotes access to technical and scientific information concerning œnological products and practices.

Œnoppia has an ethical role

An ethical role

Respect for regulations, consumer health, sustainable development, competitiveness of wine businesses…


Latest news

Wine labelling with the list of ingredients: consumer's perception

In a global context where the consumer is asking for transparency and information on all products, the European Union has decided to harmonize the rules for providing food information to consumers with both nutritional values and list of ingredients, working on a regulation making mandatory the labelling of alcoholic beverages with nutritional value and list of ingredients; this regulation will entry into application at the end of 2023.

In this context, Oenoppia has worked on the perception of consumers of the list of ingredients and its impact on the image and the intent to buy of wine. While less than one in five consumers are have somewhat negative perceptions about the use of additives in winemaking, the main idea emerging from these studies is the uncertainty of the consumer. The results obtained have highlighted a real lack of information on winemaking and on the composition of wines, and the few elements provided to justify their use tend to demonstrate that giving information on additives would contribute to their acceptance. Transparency would therefore be effective in overcoming some mistrust or negative perception, and reasoned choices of oenological practices to be used should therefore be taken into consideration. Reassuring consumers about the quality of the wine and the safety of the additives used is also crucial.

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